How Beautiful the Nature is! - Albatross


심리적으로 사실인 것들(Quora Digest에서)

Albatross(곽영을/郭泳乙) 2023. 1. 3. 05:55
  1. The smarter you are, the more difficult it is to find someone worth being in a relationship with.
  2. When you’re sleeping, you are not sad, happy or lonely, you feel nothing.
  3. The happier you are, the less sleep you require to function in everyday life. Sadness increases the urge to sleep more.
  4. People won’t always tell you how they feel, but they will show you, pay attention.
  5. Feeling ignored causes the same chemical effect as that of an injury.
  6. Once you begin to dislike someone, everything they do tends to annoy you.
  7. No matter how hard you try, you can never remember how your dream started.
  8. Beginnings and ends are easier to remember than middles.
  9. People working in rooms with blue walls or decorations experience a boost in their productivity and creativity.

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