오늘 읽은 7가지 교훈이라는 글에서, 유용하다고 생각되는 5가지 교훈의 요점을 번역, 정리해 봄.
(Quora Digest에서 발췌하여 번역)
1. 다른 사람이 당신을 뒤에서 욕하면, 그들에게 대항하지 마라. 그냥 가만히 있어라. 당신이 반응을 보이면 그들은 방어할 것이다. 오히려 그들을 잘 대해줘라. 그들은 당신의 반응에 혼란스러워할 것이다. 그러면, 그들은 이미 당신의 손아귀에 있는 셈이다.
2. 친구나 추종자를 원한다면, 공짜로 그들에게 뭔가를 줘라. 다음 번 당신이 그들에게 부탁하면 그들은 거절하기 어려워할 것이다.
3. 대부분의 책은 80%는 잡소리이며 지겨운 부분이다. 뒷부분이 핵심인 부분인 경우가 많다. 뒷부분을 먼저 읽고 난 후, 앞쪽을 대충 읽어라. (소설은 예외다)
4. 두통이나 감기 등 대부분의 잔병은 물을 많이 마시고 잠을 푹 자면 낫는다.
5. 장사를 할 때는, 먼저 돈 벌 생각을 말아라. 손해만 나지 않으면 계속해서 손님이 계속해서 찾아올 방법을 강구하라. 당신이 돈 버는 것이 목적이 아니구나, 라는 것을 손님들이 알게 되면, 손님들은 계속 올 것이다.
더 읽고 싶은 사람은 아래 원문을 읽어 보실 것.
1. If you suspect that a person or a group of persons is backbiting you, don't confront them. Don't even show any signs that you suspected them. They'll definitely go into the defensive. Instead, greet them warmly. Give them a hug. Join the discussion as if everything is normal. You'll immediately wield power over them, because they'll remain confused about the kind of person you are.
2. If you want to win many followers instantly, the trick is to give out something for free in exchange for friendship. Yes, even friendship and loyalty can be bought. Give them something they can't refuse like free cookies. Next time you want something in return it will be difficult for them to refuse.
3. Most people can’t read a book from A to Z and finish it, but there’s a hack around it. At least 80% of a book is boring and junk stuff (with the exception of novels and fiction). The remaining 20% is pure meat. First, start reading the book from the back. Many authors retain the meat until the end. Then come back and start reading the book from the front, selecting only those chapters that interest you. Devour these chapters first, as you warm up your brain to understand the hard and boring stuff. Don't aim to complete reading the book from A to Z. The junk in the book will dilute the good stuff.
4. Most minor sicknesses, including severe headaches and common colds can be cured by drinking lots of water and getting enough sleep. Make sure you get lots of these each day. If possible, take a day off just to drink lots of water and get enough sleep.
5. When you start a small business, don't go for the money first. People have a knack for discovering things and will soon sense your greed and go elsewhere. Don't even seek a profit. Seek to break-even and get customer loyalty first. Once customers sense that your aim is not to make a quick buck, they'll keep coming back and make you rich without even realizing that your prices are gradually increasing.
6. If you want to thwart off thieves or shoplifters from your store, just place more of the same items the thieves or shoplifters are fond of stealing at a convenient location. Put a large polite notice above the shelves where the thieves or shoplifters frequent saying, “Do What You Did The Other Day!”. Make sure the notice is in bold and red letters. For your normal customers, this will be just another notice reminding them to buy more of the same stuff, but for the thieves and shoplifters it will send a strong warning that their glory days are over. They’ll probably think that their little trick is uncovered. Most likely they’ll try to avoid your store.
7. The seventh hack is to remind you that every second counts, and every second is money. You will never recover a single second once it’s gone. Thank you and enjoy!
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