How Beautiful the Nature is! - Albatross


Some interesting facts!

Albatross(곽영을/郭泳乙) 2023. 8. 29. 12:16

Some Interesting facts

1. In paradoxical intention, you try to make the thing you're afraid of happen. This is often done to get over fear or anxiety. For example, if you can't fall asleep because you're worried about not getting enough sleep, try to stay awake. In this case, the goal is to stay awake, which can make you feel less anxious and help you fall asleep faster.
• 걱정이나 불안한 일이 있으면 일반적으로 하는 방법과는 반대로 하라는 이야기.  즉, 잠이 안 올 때는 억지로 잠을 자려고 하지 말고, 오히려 일부러 깨어 있으려고 노력하라.

2.  Foot-in-the-door This trick is a way to get someone to say yes to a big request by getting them to say yes to a small request first. For instance, if you want a friend to help you move, you could ask them to do something small like carry a small box. Once they say yes to that, they are more likely to say yes to the bigger ask.
• 상대방에게 부탁할 때, 처음에는 작은 것부터 시작하라. 

 3. The curse of knowledge is when people who know more can't understand the problems faced by people who don't know as much. It's not really a trick, but if you know about it, it can help you communicate much better. For example, if you know a lot about computers, you might not understand why a beginner doesn't understand something that seems simple to you.
•어떤 분야에 지식이 많은 사람은, 그 분야의 지식이 없는 사람에게, "세상에 이런 것도 모르는 사람이 있네", 라고 생각한다. 

4. The "Bizarreness Effect" says that weird and strange things are easier to remember than normal things. So, if you want to remember something, try to think of it in terms of something strange. The information is more likely to stick in your mind if you think of something strange.
•괴상한 일이 암기하기 쉽다. 그러므로 어떤 것을 암기하려고 하면, 평범한 것을 특이하거나 괴상한 것으로 생각하여 암기하라. 

 5. The Power of Touch: A light touch on someone's arm can make them more likely to say yes to a request. Touch is a powerful way to build relationships with other people. This should always be done with respect and in the right way.
•상대방과 가벼운 신체 접촉을 하면, 당신이 부탁하는 말에, 상대방이 "예"라고 대답할 확률이 높아진다. 그러나 신체 접촉을 할 때는 조심해야 한다. 

 6. The Power of "Because": Give someone a reason to do what you want them to do. People are more likely to do what you ask if you give them a reason, even if it's not a very good reason. The word "because" has a strong psychological effect. For example, "Could you please let me in line because I'm in a hurry?"
 •이유를 대고 상대방에게 부탁하면, 상대방이 당신의 부탁을 들어줄 확률이 높다. 

7. People tend to think they are getting more attention than they really are when they are in the spotlight. For example, if you spill coffee on your shirt, you might think that everyone is looking at it. In reality,  though, most people are too focused on themselves to notice small things about other people.
  이상한 일을 하면, 사람들로부터 관심을 받을 것이라고 생각하는 경향이 있다. 사실은 그렇지 않다. 

8. The Dunning-Kruger Effect says that people who aren't good at something tend to think they are. Knowing about this effect can help you more accurately judge your own skills and keep you from getting too confident in them.
  뭔가를 잘 모르는 사람은 뭔가를 잘 안다고 착각하는 경향이 있다. 

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